Who Pays for the Bridesmaid Dresses? An Expert Guide

Find out who typically pays for bridesmaid dresses and how to handle any potential issues that may arise with this expert guide.

Who Pays for the Bridesmaid Dresses? An Expert Guide

When it comes to wedding planning, one of the most important questions is who pays for the bridesmaid dresses? The short answer is that bridesmaids are usually expected to pay for their own dresses, shoes, and accessories. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. In this article, we'll explore who typically pays for bridesmaid dresses and how to handle any potential issues that may arise. Traditionally, bridesmaids are expected to pay for their own dresses. This allows them to choose a style and color that they feel comfortable in and gives them more leeway when it comes to cost.

The bride usually decides on the style and color of the dress, although some brides choose a color and allow their bridal party to select their own style of dresses depending on their body type. In addition to the dress, bridesmaids are also expected to pay for their own shoes and accessories. Some brides may also cover the cost of hair and makeup done by professionals, while others ask bridesmaids to pay depending on the type of hairstyle and the amount of makeup they want. The main exception to this rule is that if a bridesmaid is the bride's sister, normally the bride's family will also cover the cost of her dress. Before you set a budget for your wedding attire, make sure you determine who pays on the wedding day. If a member of the bridal party can't pay for their dress, the engaged couple should step in to help cover the cost and include those expenses in the wedding budget, if possible.

Some brides may also cover the cost of new shoes or accessories if they have a particular option that they want their bridesmaids to wear. If all options have been exhausted and you're still in an impasse, the bridesmaid may have to take on a different role in the wedding. As a general rule, if the bride considers the particular dress for her wedding party to be an essential part of the wedding, she should foot the bill. If one of her bridesmaids is having trouble covering the cost of her dress, she should be willing to offer help. When it comes to who pays for bridesmaid dresses, it's important to remember that it's not just about money. It's also about making sure everyone feels comfortable and included in your special day.

If you're having trouble finding a solution that works for everyone involved, consider having an open conversation with your bridesmaids so that everyone can be heard.

Greta Sorgente
Greta Sorgente

Lifelong analyst. Total bacon enthusiast. Passionate bacon trailblazer. Avid problem solver. Typical music junkie. Wannabe music evangelist.

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