How Much Money Should the Bride's Parents Give as a Wedding Gift?

When it comes to deciding how much money to give as a wedding gift, it's important to consider your own financial situation. Learn more about what is customary and what is appropriate when it comes to giving money as a wedding gift.

How Much Money Should the Bride's Parents Give as a Wedding Gift?

When it comes to deciding how much money to give as a wedding gift, it's important to consider your own financial situation. It's also important to make sure that you and your spouse are in agreement about the amount you plan to contribute. Generally, it is customary to bring a physical gift when someone is not on the registry. However, determining the right amount to spend on a wedding gift without breaking any budget limits can be tricky.

Parents who have been financially impacted by the recession may be more likely to reject traditional wedding customs that require them to pay for everything. Even though couples are paying for more of their own weddings, parents often still have to cover a large portion of the budget. If you agree with this logic, couples should give a wedding gift that is twice the amount per person. According to bridal etiquette expert Diane Gottsman, wedding gifts are not mandatory or have a fixed cost, but rather a sign of support for the couple.

A group wedding gift is ideal if all of the items on the couple's registry exceed their budget. When it comes to deciding how much money to give as a wedding gift, adults should not feel obligated to give more expensive gifts because they have children. The amount of money you'll spend on a gift at a park wedding is the same amount you'll spend on a wedding in a big castle.

Greta Sorgente
Greta Sorgente

Lifelong analyst. Total bacon enthusiast. Passionate bacon trailblazer. Avid problem solver. Typical music junkie. Wannabe music evangelist.

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